Friday, November 6, 2009


President, Carol Stearns
Vice President, Marian Spencer
Secretary, Jean Manney
Treasurer, Alice Mooty

Gallery Directors, Sue Olivo and Pat Anderson
Gallery Committee, Grace Carini, Bob Kepple, Lee Latimore
Craft Directors, Lu Proll and Gerrieanne Bielefeldt
Craft Committee, Mary Jo Burns, Karen Goodman

Publicity Director, Jan Huthoefer,
Web Page Editor, Jessie Davis,
Editor, Karen Goodman,

Important Dates
November IN/OUT, November 30, 9:30 a.m.
Member Meeting, December 8, 9:30 a.m. (note the one time date change)
Member Christmas Party, December 8, 11 a.m., Longhorn Restaurant

The President’s Message
Carol Stearns

The holidays are upon us and it is time to give with out hearts. Every year TAA has a committee of people who make up Christmas Plates filled with nutritious food for all those who are in need and delivers these plates to their homes. See Vice President’s Message Marian Spencer below that explains the purpose of the Christmas Plates. You can help by making out a check to: TAA and put on the check “CHRISTMAS PLATES”. Any amount no matter how small will be greatly appreciated and make you feel you have contributed. All money has to go through our Treasurer Alice Mooty. If you want to give cash you can give it to Marian Spencer or to me and we will make sure Alice receives the money or you can give it to Alice directly. There is an envelope in the desk marked Christmas Plates. NO CASH IN THE ENVELOPE PLEASE! CHECKS ONLY. We need your help in helping others either by a check, baking cookies, buying fruit or help by delivering the plates. This will defray our cost and it will give you an opportunity for you to feel you have done something special to help others.

Members are wondering when we are going to fix the Craft room. As many of you know we have had an article and full pictures of our water leak in the Craft room publicized in three newspapers explaining our dilemma. Last year we spent close to $8,000 repairing the roof which still leaks. Other businesses in the City are trying to help us. The Chamber of Commerce has the same problem as we do. It is up to the City now to get the ball rolling. They are aware of everything that is going on. This is a Historical Building that has to go through the proper channels in order to get anything done. The City has a Grant and the power to help. It is now up to them. Please do not think we are just sitting back ignoring the situation. It is a waiting game that we all have to be patient with.

Lu Proll and Gerrianne Bielefeldt with their committee worked very hard in setting up the Christmas display on the mezzanine. It looks fantastic! All the crafts made are original and visitors will be amazed at all the talent on these items. Sue Olivo and Pat Anderson worked hard with their committee people getting all the pictures, card racks and picture racks off the mezzanine and incorporate them with the main part of the Gallery. Not an easy job. Hope everyone realizes just what great people we have working in organizing Craft Shows and Art Shows to make this Gallery so outstanding.

A motion was made and approved to send the Food Bank a gift card from Fry’s Grocery Store in the amount of $250 for Thanksgiving and a gift card for $250 for Christmas.
A motion was made and approved to send the Tombstone Animal Shelter a check in the amount of $500. A motion was made and approved to have our Christmas Party following our General Meeting on December 8th. We will have it at the Long Horn Restaurant. There is a sign up sheet at the front desk. Come for the short meeting and then we will all meet at the Long Horn to celebrate.


From the Vice President
Marian Spencer

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PLATES: This year’s Christmas plates will be delivered on December 19th between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Last year’s plates are pictured on the envelope for your checks. These are a friendly gesture to our friends who are homebound, isolated, or just a thank-you for their service in the past.

You are asked to contribute homemade goodies, cookies, candy, cup cakes or contribute to the fruit portion with a check in the envelope. If you furnish items be sure to give at least two to three dozen so plates will be equal. We also have some diabetics with special needs. Any item you can furnish should be announced to Cora Caygill on the sheet that has been provided with the contribution envelope on the desk so the committee can plan. Address CHECKS to TAA, “purpose-Christmas Plates” and place in envelope. GIVE CASH TO ALICE TO RECORD. Food for the plates needs to be FRESH and in time, December 19th by 7:00 a.m.

Please leave floodlights off unless you have a dark day. The switch has a note over it. Bulb replacement is cheap, but not the electrician.
KITCHEN: Our rodent friends are moving in. WASH anything before using. Use paper towels. Remove all left-over food/wrappers to trash container outside or take home.
TELEPHONE: Please USE. If you will be late. If you are ill. If your chariot says no. PLEASE USE AHEAD OF TIME. Do not assume that ANYONE can call you because you have a cell phone based in another system or state. The reason the 520 is on the address/phone list is because we can not call you from the Gallery. As VEEP, I am responsible to have the Gallery open 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each and every day. The sale of YOUR art/craft is at stake here. We need a local number where you can be reached at all times. (If your phone is not local, please find a friend or neighbor to communicate for you.)

From the Gallery Directors
Pat Anderson & Sue Olivo

“Southwestern Splendor” is the theme for November Show. The featured arts this month are Jan Huthoefer and Beverly Terry. These artists have beautiful paintings that are sure to attract a lot of interest.

December will have Beverlee Hilton as the featured artist. We are happy to have her back in Arizona. Bev’s art includes paintings, photos, cards and poetry. Her animals are always included.

Since there will be only one featured artist in December, the rest of us will be able to hang three pieces of art. Some of you maybe going out-of-town for Thanksgiving, so please let us know in advance if you would like to holdover.

As a reminder to all members, there are two drawers beneath the unframed art. These two drawers are available for all of us to use. Since the space is very limited, we may each store two small paintings (minis or mini-minis). If you have any questions, please call a Gallery Director.

Next month’s newsletter will include the application for the Judged Show in March. Now is a good time to start thinking of what you will want to enter.

The In-and-Out date is November 30th, which is a Monday.

See you then and
“Happy Thanksgiving”

From the Craft Directors
Lu Proll and Gerrianne Bielefeldt

The Christmas Craft Show is all set up and thanks to the coordinated efforts of Lu Proll, Gerrianne Bielefeldt, Karen Goodman, Mary Jo Burns and Jean Manney, the display tables and walls of the mezzanine look very festive, colorful and ready for the holiday sales to begin. Please continue to make and bring in your Holiday crafts and place them below the front table window.

The Craft room window will continue to display the items for the Fall season. All Halloween crafts have been removed and are in the kitchen for pick up. When you come into the Gallery to docent or deliver items, please be sure to check the kitchen for any items placed there that are in need of repair, your name or price.

Some items have been in the Gallery for extended periods of time and may just look “tired” from being on display too long. These items have been moved to the kitchen for pick-up. Also, while in the Gallery, please check your items to make sure they are in saleable condition.

We have a very talented group of crafters and artists in our Gallery and it shows in the sales figures. So keep crafting!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 2009

President, Carol Stearns
Vice President, Marian Spencer
Secretary, Jean Manney
Treasurer, Alice Mooty

Gallery Directors, Sue Olivo and Pat Anderson
Gallery Committee, Grace Carini, Bob Kepple, Lee Latimore
Craft Directors, Lu Proll and Gerrieanne Bielefeldt
Craft Committee, Mary Jo Burns, Karen Goodman

Publicity Director, Jan Huthoefer,
Web Page Editor, Jessie Davis,
Editor, Karen Goodman,

Important Dates
October IN/OUT, October 30, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Member Meeting, November 3, 9:00 a.m.
Member Meeting, December 8, 9:00 a.m.

The President’s Message
Carol Stearns
Space is a precious commodity. It is only human nature that we all need “our space.” As members of the Gallery we are only entitled to the space that our Gallery and Craft Directors give us. The Gallery Directors and their Committee work very hard to place each and every picture in the right space. They rotate pictures every month giving equal exposure to all of the artists. The Craft Directors and their Committee change the tables, walls and window displays every month for seasonal purposes and to give equal space to all the crafters making sure that crafts will be complimented in the best arrangement possible. Some space has been lost due to the large crafts and large pictures of which the Directors have taken all of this into consideration and limited these pictures and crafts due to their size in order to keep equal space for all. Please let us give credit to the Directors for working so hard to give each of us “our space” and above all not move, rearrange, change or complain about the space they have allotted us.

Point of Interest: It has been exactly six months since this Board of eight Officers took their oath to serve this Association. In that short time, although at times it seems much longer, this is what has happened. (1). All new locks that cannot be duplicated have been installed at the Gallery. (2) Peg Boards throughout the Gallery have been painted thanks to Pat Anderson and Sue Olivo. (3). New curtains behind the front desk and visitor’s sign-in desk have been made thanks to Sue Olivo. (4). Most of the kitchen cabinets have been painted. (5). Refrigerator has been repaired thanks to Mike Rosado. (6).The vacuum cleaner has been torn apart and repaired thanks to Jim Burns and Jesse Davis. (7).The front windows that were leaking have been re-caulk and repaired. (8). There has been numerous calls to the City regarding the problem with the drainage spout leak in the Craft Room. Marian Spencer has been in charge and has been in constant contact with City Officials. She is doing an outstanding job on an issue that will eventually be resolved. (9). Counting of the cash drawer every morning upon opening the Gallery and every afternoon before closing. (10). Counting of the Quilt cash for tickets sold each day is counted every morning and afternoon. (11). Taking in ten new members and giving them the proper training of procedures for the Gallery. (12) Joined the Tombstone Chamber of Commerce. (13) Reviewed, revised and added new By-Laws and Standing Rules and making sure every member received one. (14).Approve two (2) $1,000 Scholarships for students of Tombstone High School. (15) Handling and solving any internal problem that concerned a member. I just wanted you aware of what has been accomplished by your Board of Officers in this short period of time. This is a very active Board working hard to serve you and the Gallery.

From the Vice President
Marian Spencer
Thanks to you we survived the summer! That’s the good news. Our Gallery display is exceptional, thanks to both new members and old. But illness, employment/unemployment, deaths and aging change the calendar constantly. Thank you to those who do unexpected tasks to yield this success.

Now we wait for a better economy for better sales. Most sales now are of practical items. The Gallery, too, has changed. The front windows are now caulked outside and inside.

While the roof still drains down the craft room wall with melted adobe, the Chamber of Commerce, the Visitor’s Center and others in town share the problem with us and are actively reminding the City. Our crafters should be aware that as a result usable space is limited.

For docents: Please refresh your memory of your duties from the lists on the desk.
Other Questions: Can I show my pictures without belonging?
Can I enter the Quilt Show?

For these answers we have made up sheets and put them on cardboard at the front table for non-members to sign up for entry forms for both the February Quilt Show and the March Open Judged Show.

From the Gallery Directors
Pat Anderson & Sue Olivo
This month’s theme is “Vista and Visions” starring Jim Dalmer, Lee Latimore and Sylvia Rosenkrans. With their featured artwork and the rest of the artists’ work, we have another beautiful display for October. November Show will feature Artists Jan Huthoefer and Bev Terry. You can always count on these two to have unique and colorful artwork.

November and December will have the crafters Holiday Show on the Mezzanine, so that means we will have the main floor to display our art. We will still show the mini-minis on the same wall they are on now and the card racks will remain the same. This will give us a chance to show some of our smaller artwork. With that said, we may be able to hang 3 pieces of smaller art. If you only have larger pieces, no problem, you will just hang 2 pieces. This will be at the Gallery Directors discretion. The minis and mini-minis will remain the same number: 4 and 6 respectively. This is a great chance for us to remind our customers that art makes great Christmas gifts and the crafters are doing the advertising for us.

Check the sizes of the card racks to see what you have to offer as Christmas gifts. There is some room for unframed 5X7s maybe even 4X6s as well as for boxed cards. Get creative. Bob Kepple discovered at his last show in the East, just the suggestion and, as a reminder that the Holidays are coming, made his sales go up.

The In-and-Out date for October is the 30th.
See you then!

From the Craft Directors
Lu Proll and Gerrieanne Bielefeldt
The Christmas holidays are fast approaching and you may have noticed that many of the stores are already displaying Christmas items, and we haven't even finished with Halloween!! So, it's time to craft "CHRISTMAS" for the Nov, Dec Craft Show!!

We are planning to set up the holiday tables on October 31. Volunteers for this project are needed and will very much be appreciated. Please contact Mary Jo Burns if you can volunteer.

The Christmas items brought into the gallery should be placed on the KITCHEN COUNTER and not under the front window table. If you have Christmas items in your personal storage box, make sure you bring them out and also put on the kitchen counter. By keeping the regular crafted items separate from the Christmas items it will be easier for us to put out for display the general items without having to sort through everything.

We are lovin' all the new craft items being made!! Keep it coming!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

September 2009

President, Carol Stearns
Vice President, Marian Spencer
Secretary, Jean Manney
Treasurer, Alice Mooty

Gallery Directors, Sue Olivo and Pat Anderson
Gallery Committee, Grace Carini, Bob Kepple, Lee Latimore
Craft Directors, Lu Proll and Gerrieanne Bielefeldt
Craft Committee, Mary Jo Burns, Karen Goodman

Publicity Director, Jan Huthoefer,
Web Page Editor, Jessie Davis,
Editor, Karen Goodman,

Important Dates
September In/Out
, September 30, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Member Meeting, October 6, 9:00 a.m.

The President’s Message
Carol Stearns
In today’s unstable, often messy environment, business success depends on members using their full talents. As a Crafter or Artist we all want to succeed in our personal lives in today’s modern global competitive marketplace. Ask yourself “Is that a great picture I painted? Would I want to buy it? Is that craft the best craft I can make? Will it sell?” Positive attitude and practices are needed to improve productivity and quality of what we produce. To be effective you must know yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses. What are your goals? To sell an item every six months or create an original painting or an original craft that when the viewer looks at it they mush have it? Ask yourself “Are others more dedicated in working towards their goal than I am?” This requires all of us to think and work harder. We are proud to have each and every one of you as a member of this Association. You were chosen to join TAA because of your talents. Recognize your goals and adopt work procedures and “ground rules” to define and achieve the best you can do.

Point of Information: Board of Directors: Is a specified group of members who have been elected by you to make decisions on behalf of this Association. They must approve all notices, all correspondence from the Gallery including correspondence to members, and show dates. Deliver judgment on any disputes or grievances among members. Every decision that has to be made is first discussed, and then a motion is made and finally voted on by seven (7) Board Members (The President does not vote at any meeting unless her vote will affect the results of the vote). No one person runs this Association. Please know that your Board works very hard to make the right decisions regarding matters governing this Association and you.

Due to economic times and lack of resources, we will be asking for volunteers to clean the Gallery from now on. If you can help, please call me.

From the Vice President
Marian Spencer
It requires heat to temper iron into steel. It also requires good metal. We have had the heat, and our officers have combined their skills for an effective team, working together to supply the needs of artists, crafters and quilters to be an asset to the community and to show the public the place this building has in our history.

We welcome our new members, Valla and Jack Miller and Claudia Apperson, artists, and Cathy Brodniak, Sharon Olson and Janice Carmichael, Crafters.

If you read the revised By-Laws and Standing Rules you received, you understand our division of duties to have someone in charge of each area, Gallery Directors and Craft Directors, and responsible for an attractive display and a fair division of space for each member. Let’s not insult our Directors by moving items without first consulting them.

Our building is a work in progress. Twelve windowpanes were re-caulked, but watch them. Roof drain repair in the Craft Room is promised by the City “on Monday.” Until “Monday” protect vulnerable items under the stained ceiling.

Quilters were carefully ignored: Years ago, Ethel Barkley contacted quilters and a quilting frame was set up in the Gallery. Materials were donated. All records were retained by Ethel. Times have changed! Materials are expensive and there is no room for a quilt frame. We often have requests for quilts. We can spare room for a board with picture, size and price of quilts by members only with permission of the Board. The slow economy and our extra expense in building repairs lead us to budget early for the February 2010 Quilt Show. In addition to the Incentive Awards of Peoples’ Choice $75.00, 2nd Choice - $50.00 and 3rd Choice $25.00 a motion was made and passed to furnish the $100.00 Best Hand Quilted award from TAA. We are also planning ahead for docents at the desk during the month of February, relieving quilters who can explain exhibits and teach.

We have flyers with the quest book and also in the desk drawer. Read them. Give them away. Take some to your hangout in town. Advertise!

From the Gallery Directors
Pat Anderson & Sue Olivo
We have our new By-Laws, so this would be a good time to review pages 3 & 4 of the Standing Rules of the Gallery. Some of the rules remain the same, but there are some very important new rules. As always, you may contact a Gallery Director, if you have any questions.

We will have three featured artists in October: Lee Latimore, Jim Dalmer and Sylvia Rosenkrans. That means the rest of the members will be able to display 3 (three) of their art pieces.

This is a reminder to all artists who docent; please do not display any framed or matted pictures on the front table while you are working. This also applies to Featured Artists who will already have a total of 25 paintings hung in the Gallery. Why not just take our customers around the
Gallery and show them what you have done. They love the personal attention. Working on a painting while you docent is a wonderful way to get people to come in the Gallery and ask
Questions. It creates a lot of interest in the rest of the Gallery. The longer they stay the better it is for sales.

Our In-and-Out day is September will be Wednesday the 30th.
Until then, keep up the good work!

From the Craft Directors
Lu Proll and Gerrieanne Bielefeldt

Please contact Gerrianne, Mary Jo or Karen if you have any questions regarding your crafts or anything pertaining to the Crafts in the Gallery.

September is here already. Kids are back in school and Halloween is just around the corner. Time to bring to the gallery all those Fall themed crafts you have been making, and start working on Christmas! Be sure to leave them under the table in the gallery front window and the craft directors will set them out for display. Our thanks to Jean Manney for redoing the craft window displays this month.

Sometime within the next couple of months the craft room will be painted to match the nice paint job done by Sue Olivo and Pat Anderson in the gallery.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 2009

President, Carol Stearns
Vice President, Marian Spencer
Secretary, Jean Manney
Treasurer, Alice Mooty

Gallery Directors, Sue Olivo and Pat Anderson
Gallery Committee, Grace Carini, Bob Kepple, Lee Latimore
Craft Directors, Lu Proll and Gerrieanne Bielefeldt
Craft Committee, Mary Jo Burns, Karen Goodman

Publicity Director, Jan Huthoefer,
Web Page Editor, Jessie Davis,
Editor, Karen Goodman,

Important Dates
August IN/Out, August 28, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Member Meeting, September 1, 9:00 a.m.

The President’s Message
Carol Stearns

The telephone rings and you answer with “Hello”. You are at home right? Wrong! You are at the Gallery and you are answering the telephone as if you were home. Please remember where you are and answer the telephone with “Tombstone Association of the Arts, (your name) speaking.” We are at a place of business and it should be treated as one. You never know who is on the other end of the line.

By now you should have picked up your copy of the new By Laws and Standing Rules left for you in the kitchen. There are still a few of you who need to pickup your copies. If you still have not picked them up then the next time you sit please do not forget them. Go over them thoroughly so you will know how our Association is governed. Everyone should have their copy by now.

Our windows are done, therefore the wind can blow and the rain can come thanks to our Vice President Marian Spencer. She met with the Historical Society, called the City of Tombstone and got the work order and met with Sierra Vista Glass Co. and got estimates. She was present at both times when Sierra Vista Glass Co. did all the caulking of the windows both inside and outside. Remember folks she is 90 years old and puts us all to shame. Thanks Marian for a great job.

SOME GALLERY NEWS: We have three new crafters to start the month of August. Kathy Brodniak, Janice Carmichael and Sharon Olson. We look forward to seeing their work.

For those of you who know our Honorary member Shirley Jarrett, her daughter Margaret Black suffered a mild stroke. Margaret for years was on our committee each month helping the Gallery Directors hang shows. I know Margaret would love to receive a card from you. P.O. Box 264, Tombstone, AZ 85638.

Sue Olivo has done an outstanding job in making new curtains and tablecloths for the Gallery. No longer does the Gallery have white tablecloths, white peg boards, white walls and white everything. We now have added some class to the Gallery with the soft colors of the peg boards and the new tablecloths. The Gallery has a soft tone and the visitors are already commenting on what a pretty Gallery we have. Even our kitchen looks new. Thanks Sue for all your hard work.

As of July 12th the cash drawer and the quilt raffle money is counted every night before closing and every morning as soon as the Gallery is opened. All retail stores count their money every night when closing and we are now doing the same. This is the only way we can keep constant watch over our cash on hand. Marion Spencer is in charge. Thanks for your cooperation.

From the Vice President
Marian Spencer

- the building at the hub of the action on Allen Street!
- the helpful resource where people come to find
- someone who can use the ties in a bag in the kitchen
- someone who has a quilt frame for Nettie Smith, telephone 559-5965
- who we are, let’s use the flyers on the desk. Cora and Bobby made the neat box to hold them
- fascinating side shows during parades, etc.

Several inquiries have been made for sources of quilts for sale.
We need a Quilt corner. A box in the kitchen for scrap exchange, Poster(s) with pictures of quilts with size, cost, description for sale, with information on persons to quilt tops.

Newer members ask, “Who is Aldine?” Aldine Chadwick is the reason we have been so successful through the years with our quilt shows. She is a patient, friendly resource of advice from a professional on textiles. For many years she guided members and visitors through hand and machine piecing and quilting, and headed the ABC Quilt Program to furnish quilts for children at risk. Her hubby helped us with sewing machine problems until his eyes no longer permitted. Aldine sat at the Gallery weekly with Lois Campbell. She also handled the calendar duties for years.

Aldine’s daughter is Nancy Crandall. Since the recent death of Frank, Jr., Nancy is burdened with more responsibility and may have to be with us less of the time in order to spend some time with her husband in the East. Our success at TAA is a tribute to this family.

Saturdays continue to be great times to work at sewing jobs with wonderful light through caulked- windows and with no need to remember to take pictures out of the windows!

From the Gallery Directors
Pat Anderson & Sue Olivo

The summer is behind us and we are getting excited about the new shows coming up! We will have three featured artists in September: Jane Ballard, Carol Stearns and Sylvia Rosenkrans. These artists always have beautiful art and bring in many art collectors. So, bring in three of your favorite art pieces. Together we will have a great Fall Season!

While we are on the subject of features artists, I would like to remind you that when you are a featured artist please send your pictures and bios to Jan Huthoefer. She needs these to put in the Herald and she can only do it, if you give them to her. She always writes a glowing article about us and the TAA. Don't miss out!!

Thanks to Marion and Carol who have worked very hard behind the scenes to get our front windows repaired. We now have windows that don't leak and so we don't have to remove the art out of the windows during the monsoon or any other time it might rain.

While you are getting you art ready for the next show, remember that we have new card racks that will hold the smaller cards (3x5 & 4x6) and you can even box some of them to sell that way. They are starting to fill up, so don't delay.

Thanks to all who have been dusting the artwork. It looks so much better and that helps the Gallery look its best. It also helps when our frames are fresh, glass cleaned and wires placed properly (1/3rd of the way from the top of the frame).

In and out day for August will be the 28th. See you then.

From the Craft Directors
Lu Proll and Gerrieanne Bielefeldt

We are welcoming 3 new members to the gallery...Sharon Olson who crafts various items, Janice Carmichael makes handcrafted crocheted rugs, and Cathy Brodniak, a quilter.

We will be painting our craft room sometime mid to late September or early October.

Keep those great crafts coming in. Our shelves and tables are looking great!!

From the Editor
Karen Goodman

For those of you who would like to print the newsletter instead of reading it online, you may have run into the situation of not knowing how to print only the current issue instead of the entire blog.

Try this…
While you are viewing the blog, notice that there is a tool bar above the blog. It looks like this…

File Edit View Favorites Tools Help

Select File. A drop down menu will appear.
Select Print Preview. This will show you what appears on each of the printed pages for the entire blog. Take note of the pages you want to print. The newest issue will likely be pages 1 to 4 or so. Close the Print Preview Box by clicking on the X at the top right of the box.

Select File.
Select Print from the drop down menu. In the Print Range Box, found in the bottom left corner, note that your default is Print All. Select Pages and enter the Print Range, for example, 1-4. Select Print, found at the bottom right.

This gives you the ability to print selected pages instead of the entire blog. The print setting will revert to the default of Print All when you exit the blog.

This will work for any document.

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 2009

President, Carol Stearns
Vice President, Marian Spencer
Secretary, Jean Manney
Treasurer, Alice Mooty

Gallery Directors, Sue Olivo and Pat Anderson
Gallery Committee, Grace Carini, Bob Kepple, Lee Latimore
Craft Directors, Lu Proll and Gerrieanne Bielefeldt
Craft Committee, Mary Jo Burns, Karen Goodman

Publicity Director, Jan Huthoefer,
Web Page Editor, Jessie Davis,
Editor, Karen Goodman,

Important Dates
July IN/Out
, July 31, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Member Meeting, August 4, 9:00 a.m.

The President’s Message
Carol Stearns

We welcome three new members this month. Claudia Apperson, Jack and Valla Miller. Jack does oil colors on canvas, Valla is a photographer and Claudia also does oils on canvas. We look forward to their work and having them as members.

On July 7th we had our General Meeting. At this meeting the By-Laws and Standing Rules that were in your June’s newsletter were all passed unanimously. The Board wants to thank everyone who came to this meeting and participated in the vote. It shows that you have an interest in this Association. Our Secretary Jean Manney is in the process of incorporating the new changes with the old By-Laws and Standing Rules. As soon as possible copies are being made. You will be able to pick up your copy, which will have your name on it, in the kitchen. This will save us postage. Please check the next time you sit and take your copy with your name on it. Any member who is out of state will have their copies sent to them. Once you have your copy please disregard your old By-Laws and Standing Rules and replace them with the new ones. Go over them thoroughly because these are the rules we govern our Association by and it is important that you know them.

We have renewed our membership with the Tombstone Chamber of Commerce. This is important because as a member, we will be part of a larger tourism and economic team that includes the Cochise County Tourism Council, the Arizona Office of Tourism, The Arizona Tourism Alliance, and the Arizona Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce is a marketing and promotion organizer for Tombstone and it will benefit us greatly.

Our Treasurer Alice Mooty has informed us that during the month of June a shortage of $27.00 had incurred. It appears that an item was sold and the money was never collected. It is extremely important that when a customer comes to the desk to purchase something you must STOP whatever you are doing and concentrate ONLY ON THE SALE. Take your time, talk yourself through the sale, double check your addition and above all DO NOT BAG THE ITEM until you have collected the money and gave the correct change back when necessary. Alice balances the cash drawer and at all times she is aware of the amount of money that should be in it. We cannot afford mistakes of any kind so please be extra careful when making a sale. Alice is now keeping track of the numbers that are on the Quilt Sale Tickets. By doing this she is aware of the correct amount of money that should be in the Quilt Bag at all times.

We are sad to say that Lee Latimore’s brother passed away the week of June 21st. Lee drove to Idaho to be with family. Also Nancy Martin’s brother Frank Jr. who was Aldine and Frank Chadwick’s son passed away following injuries he sustained from an ATV accident on June 12th. Our thoughts and prayers are with both families.

From the Vice President
Marian Spencer

Welcome to Tombstone, the town of surprises! Thank you, all of you, for filling in at the last minute as docents. Sudden illnesses and deaths in two families have caused us momentary concern. We just pray that the physical problems are solved.

We asked the City to please help us keep our building intact by cleaning out the old glazing compound and replacing it in our front windows. Response from the City was: All work must be done through a licensed contractor. “Estimate” is $3,978.68. The City has no funds. Restoration funds are not available. At this point the contractor has been asked to quote on the six desperately needed panes behind the front desk. Please, if someone identifies himself ass the contractor, ask his price. We will need to finance this work for the safety of the building and beautiful artwork.

Saturdays, Fabric Construction Workshops.
So far, we have had raggy quilts, appliqué, resources, embroidery, pot holders, baby quilts, shortcuts and always a great theater for people watching. Drop in any time during the day.

Our heros are Jim and Lu Proll. When the back cooler began blowing hot air, Jim arrived on his trusty steed, purchased one part from the hardware store and found that he must buy the rest in Sierra Vista. While you view their halo’s, listen also to their explanation of the operation of a coolers:
The principle of the cooler is evaporation. If there is no air from the outside, they do not work. The fan also helps to circulate the air.
(The other tool you need is the fly swatter. The open door also lets in the flies. This tests your accuracy and physical prowess.)

The Board approved the colorful quilt top submitted by Alice Mooty as next year’s raffle quilt. It will be quilted by Marian during the summer.

From the Gallery Directors
Pat Anderson & Sue Olivo

The Gallery has had a lot of beautiful paintings and photographs this summer and the sales have been very good. Keep up the good work!!

The swiffer for dusting the artwork is now under the front window behind the desk. We would like the morning docents to please dust all the hanging art in the Gallery. Everything gets really dusty this time of year.

We are in need of volunteers to paint the cupboards in the kitchen. If you are interested in helping out in this way, please call Sue Olivo @ 803-1035 or e-mail

Carol and Marian have been busy with City Hall about getting the front windows re-caulked. So far there is an estimate that is very high, so we may only get the worst windows done. With that said, don't forget to remove the paintings from the front windows during this monsoon season.

Pat McAloon will be the featured artist in August so the rest of us will be able to bring 4 pieces of art. We still are allowed only 4 minis and 6 mini-minis. These restrictions are listed in the By-Laws, so unfortunately, if you have more than that we will have to place the excess in the kitchen for you to pick up.

The following changes to our standing rules and bylaws were approved at the last member meeting. Please take this into consideration when submitting your pieces.

Recommendations: VII – Gallery Operations: #3 The TAA Gallery will collect a 20% commission from members and a 30% commission from non-members on each item sold. No painting or craft will be accepted if priced over $1,200. The TAA will collect 20% from both members and non-members during the Quilt Show only. Prices of quilts will not exceed $800.

Recommendations for Artwork: #3. All work in all shows exhibiting in the TAA Gallery must not exceed 60” including the frame. If artwork is between 48” - 60” including frame, only one (1) piece of artwork will be allowed for that show. Featured Artists are allowed the one piece between 48”- 60” plus the designated number of art pieces for that show. All submissions are at the discretion of the Gallery Directors.

Our in-and-out date will be July 31st. Until then.........


From the Craft Directors
Lu Proll and Gerrieanne Bielefeldt

Please welcome our newest crafter, Jennifer Brown. Jennifer is from Hereford and creates handbags of all sizes as well as woven fabric bowls and coasters.

A few reminders: Please take the time to check your tags. Some ink has a tendency to fade over time. Prices become hard to read and the correct price may not be charged for your item at the time of sale. Items in need of repair or cleaning will be pulled from the sales floor, a note attached and dated, and put in the kitchen. Please check the counters to see if any items belong to you. If items are not tended to in a timely manner, they will be removed from the counter and put into your box. Unless a craft item is a replacement, please put your item(s) under the table in the gallery front window. One of the craft directors, or committee members will put your items out to the sales floor. Please remember, there are no certain spots for any craft or crafter except for Christmas items and baby items. We will keep rearranging the craft areas at different times to give everyone exposure for their items.

Even though it’s summer, and business is slow, the craft area has been doing fairly well, so keep those craft items coming in. Labor Day is fast approaching, so let’s hope for a good selling weekend.

It’s not too early to plan for your Halloween/Thanksgiving/Fall items. Time passes so quickly, those holidays will be here in no time at all. We will be decorating our window with these items soon after Labor Day.

Lu Proll will be gone the month of July. Address any concerns to Gerrianne Bielefeldt.

From the Editor
Karen Goodman

For those of you who would like to print the newsletter instead of reading it online, you may have run into the situation of not knowing how to print only the current issue instead of the entire blog.

Try this…
While you are viewing the blog, notice that there is a tool bar above the blog. It looks like this…

File Edit View Favorites Tools Help

Select File. A drop down menu will appear.
Select Print Preview. This will show you what appears on each of the printed pages for the entire blog. Take note of the pages you want to print. The newest issue will likely be pages 1 to 4 or so. Close the Print Preview Box by clicking on the X at the top right of the box.

Select File.
Select Print from the drop down menu. In the Print Range Box, found in the bottom left corner, note that your default is Print All. Select Pages and enter the Print Range, for example,
1-4. Select Print, found at the bottom right.

This gives you the ability to print selected pages instead of the entire blog. The print setting will revert to the default of Print All when you exit the blog.

This will work for any document.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009



President, Carol Stearns
Vice President, Marian Spencer
Secretary, Jean Manney
Treasurer, Alice Mooty

Gallery Directors, Sue Olivo and Pat Anderson
Gallery Committee, Grace Carini, Bob Kepple, Lee Latimore
Craft Directors, Lu Proll and Gerrieanne Bielefeldt
Craft Committee, Mary Jo Burns, Karen Goodman

Publicity Director, Jan Huthoefer,
Web Page Editor, Jessie Davis,
Editor, Karen Goodman,

Important Dates
June IN/Out, June 30, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Member Meeting (By Law and Standing Rule Change Voting), July 7, 9:00 a.m.

The President’s Message
Carol Stearns

Welcome new members! Artists: Francis Hammit, Michael Rosado and Timmie Palm. All three have different techniques and we look forward to seeing their work. Crafter Jennifer Brown has joined us and she does pretty woven bowls out of cloth. These bowls are very unique and different.

On May 13th a committee of Carol Stearns, Marian Spencer, Pat Anderson and Lu Proll met and went over the By Laws and Standing Rules of this Association. They worked very hard to change, update, modify and add new rules to protect all members and the Gallery itself. Comments have been made “Why do we all of a sudden have rules?” Ever since the Gallery opened many years ago we have had By Laws and Standing Rules governed by Robert’s Rules. This is nothing new. The rights and responsibilities of members when they meet together as a group and of individuals as members of an organization should be included in the By Laws. This is a basic concept of By Laws. It helps to think of the By Laws as a contract between the members and the organization. Standing Rules govern the administration of an organization as opposed to rules regarding parliamentary procedure (By Laws). There would be total chaos in our Association if everyone or even a few could do whatever they please whenever they please without abiding by rules. Please go over the new changes of the By Laws and Standing Rules that are enclosed in this newsletter which were approved by members at our Member Meeting on June 2nd for recommendations in submitting. We vote on the new changes July 7th at the General Meeting.

Have you noticed the new changes in the Gallery? Directors Pat Anderson and Sue Olivo painted all the peg panels and they look great. They are in the mist of painting the stands, the curtain stand into the kitchen and will paint the kitchen cabinets in the near future, which are in desperate need of a paint job. It makes the Gallery look clean, fresh and inviting. Lu Proll and Gerianne Bielefeldt have the Craft Shop all arranged now with beautiful window displays getting ready for the 4th of July. The afghan display is eye catching and brings visitors up on the mezzanine. Everyone is working together which benefits the Gallery. Good work everyone!

Our Treasurer Alice Mooty has finished the year-end tax return to the IRS and mailed it in last week. She just completed the Annual Report, which will be mailed next week to the state and everything balanced perfectly. The annual audit of her records is completed and we owe her a great dept of gratitude for all her hard work. Thanks Alice for a great job! Special Note: Two members made huge mistakes when they made sales. One member shortchanged the Gallery by $5.00 on the surcharge and the other member did not write down the correct amount that was on 10 craft items she sold. These are costly mistakes for the Gallery. Please be extra careful when you write down a sale in the Cash Book.

At the General Meeting a motion was made and approved to accept the dates for the 2011 Quilt Show. A motion was made and approved to send $500 to the Tombstone Animal Shelter. A motion was made and approved to paint the kitchen cabinets.

From the Vice President
Marian Spencer

The bill for the newsletter has dropped by one third. If you could give Karen Goodman your email address it could drop the bill even more.

Recipients of the two $1,000 scholarships are Salutatorian Brooke E. Willsey and Lauren Macia Devere. Clippings are on billboard telling you more about them. We have Lee Latimore to thank for placing the applications in the hands of the prospects, receiving them for our decision and attending the graduation ceremony to present them to the winners. Thank you Lee! Now Alice waits to give the checks after she receives assurance they will go to the proper place.

With the monsoon and dog days of summer ahead, would you like to have a more pleasant time at the Gallery? If persons need to or wish to sit together, could they sit an extra half-day a month? Officers are no longer placing their names on the calendar for meeting days either. How about sitting an extra half-day a month? The purpose of the calendar is to see to it that we have SOMEONE THERE. More sitters mean more of a chance to relate to our visitors.

Remember, the shades are not to be closed when leaving the Gallery for the evening.

Quilters! Would-be Quilters! The Curious!
Where are you now? Saturdays are workshop days for us at the Gallery. We have limited space so you may want to call ahead. Two quilters at a time would be the limit if the quilts are of any size. But there’s a whole lot of piecing going on. If we are distracted from our projects, it is usually because of sales. How about joining us more often to enjoy and learn from each other?

From the Gallery Directors
Pat Anderson & Sue Olivo

The Gallery is still getting a new look. We have done more painting and rearranging. The newest additions are two large card racks. We will be able to display more cards and even some boxed cards. The largest rack of the two is capable of holding ninety 4x6 cards so if you have that sized cards, most of your cards will be together. However, if you have that size and the larger 5x7, you will notice that all of your cards will not be together. Don't panic!!! We want our customers to look at everything and we think that they will with cards in different places around the Gallery, but as usual, this is a trial basis until we see what works the best for all of us and is at the discretion of the Gallery Directors. Original cards are still in the same place. Be patient, okay?

A few other things that we have noticed as we have rearranged and hung the art is the dust that accumulates this time of year. We are asking that the morning docents please dust all the hanging art. There will be a swifter duster under the front window for you to use. You will be surprised at how dusty it gets. Thank you for your cooperation.

This is a reminder, also, about framing. Some frames are nicked and scratched and the wiring is not in the correct place. The rule of thumb is that the wire should be one third of the length of the frame down from the top of the frame. This applies to any size, with the exception of the mini-minis. We are professional artists and it is very important to show our work in the most professional way we can. You are all doing a great job of identifying your work on the back, which has helped us a lot, since the labels sometimes fall off in the hanging process.

Almost done. Our bios need updating, including mine, and we are very low on business cards. Please check yours the next time you docent.

Pat will be leaving on vacation the middle of June and I will be gone until the last week in June. If you have any concerns, please contact Carol Stearns.

There is no featured artist for the month of July. Members are permitted up to 5 pieces of artwork. The in/out date for June is June 30, between 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Happy summer painting and photographing!!

From the Craft Directors
Gerrieanne Bielefeldt and Lu Proll

The Gallery is looking fresh and clean with its new coat of paint, and the Craft Room will soon have one too. We are looking for fresh and new craft ideas to mix it up a little, so put on your thinking caps and let’s see if we can get some new “best sellers.”

Unless permission has been given, please do not arrange or rearrange the craft displays. Please leave this to the Craft Directors and their Committee. We will be rotating the displays periodically so that all crafts get maximum exposure on the tables and shelves in the Gallery and Craft rooms.

Reminder to all Crafters: Check the kitchen counter for any items that have been pulled from the sales floor for repair, such as faded tags, loose stitching, etc. Also, when you are docenting, any items sold over $15 or if many of the same item(s) are sold, please call the Crafter and inquire as to if there is a replacement for the item(s).

From the Secretary
Jean Manney

Attention All Members: Copies of the approved General Meeting Minutes are always available for your review. The copy is in a folder marked (minutes) in the right hand drawer of the front desk. The minutes contain all New Business, Unfinished Business and Motions that have been made and approved and what is happening in the Gallery. Please feel free to read the minutes and then return the copy to the correct folder in the desk drawer.


A committee consisting of Carol Stearns, Marian Spencer, Pat Anderson and Lu Proll met on May 13th to review our By-Laws and Standing Rules. Here are the recommendations made by this committee which will be voted on at our next General Meeting July 7th.

BY-LAW: #5 The Treasurer Shall: Below are Recommendations Added.

(b) The Treasurer will not issue a check to any member or non-member for reimbursement without a proper sales receipt or itemized invoice. For any payment over $25.00 the receipt or itemized invoice will need to be initialed for authorization by the President or Vice President.

(c) The Treasurer is authorized to issue reimbursement checks only to the individuals who present invoices to the Treasurer for goods and/or services he/she rendered which must be authorized and approved by the Board.

Article V-Membership: Recommendation Added: #7 Members enter their work at their own risk and TAA is not liable for loss or damages. The Tombstone Art Association will not be financially responsible for any loss of any member’s property in the TAA Gallery. Members shall maintain personal insurance at his or her own expense or personal responsibility for any property in the Gallery. Members shall not hold TAA Gallery responsible for any loss due to acts of God, fire, water damage, theft, vandalism, etc.

Article V- Membership: Recommendation Added: #8 Members authorized to have a key to the TAA Gallery may not loan it to any other member or person without prior approval of the Board. Failure to comply will result in immediate dismissal from TAA for all members involved.

VII – Gallery Operations: #3 currently reads: The TAA Gallery will collect a 20% commission from members and a 30% commission from non-members on each item sold. No painting or craft will be accepted if priced over $600. The TAA will collect 20% from both members and non-members during the Quilt Show only. Prices of quilts will not exceed $800.

#3 Recommendations: VII – Gallery Operations: #3 The TAA Gallery will collect a 20% commission from members and a 30% commission from non-members on each item sold. No painting or craft will be accepted if priced over $1,200. The TAA will collect 20% from both members and non-members during the Quilt Show only. Prices of quilts will not exceed $800.

STANDING RULES: Section III-Membership, (A) Inducting New Members:
In order to become a member, prospective members must have a working telephone number at all times.

Recommendation: Section III- Membership, (A) Inducting New Members:
(4 )
In order to become a member, prospective members must have a local working telephone number or a local contact at all times.

A. Requirements for Artwork: #3. All work in all shows exhibiting in the TAA Gallery, must not exceed 31”, including the frame, in all shows in the TAA Gallery with this exception: One oversized picture per artist in private shows only will be accepted. An oversized oil and acrylic painting can be larger than 31”, but not larger than 42” including the frame. An oversized watercolor, pastel, mixed media or photography piece must not exceed 36” including the frame.

A. Recommendations for Artwork: #3. All work in all shows exhibiting in the TAA Gallery must not exceed 60” including the frame. If artwork is between 48” - 60” including frame, only one (1) piece of artwork will be allowed for that show. Featured Artists are allowed the one piece between 48”- 60” plus the designated number of art pieces for that show. All submissions are at the discretion of the Gallery Directors.

A. Requirements for Artwork #7 If two paintings are displayed on the membership wall, the inside frame measurement can be no larger than 16”x20”.
Recommendations for Artwork #7: Remove

Unframed Originals: #2 Digitally created note cards are not accepted in the Gallery.
Recommendations: #2 Computer generated note cards are not accepted in the Gallery.


Artist = A Crafter = C

Acker, Dianne
(A) 520-720-9905
958 W. Patton St.
St. David, AZ 85630

Adamczyk, Ted
(A) 458-6362
P.O. Box 3437
Sierra Vista, AZ 85636

Anderson, Pat
(A) 459-0962
2741 Glengarry Way
Sierra Vista, AZ 85650

(A) 378-3752
3643 Trevino Drive
Sierra Vista, Az 85650

Bielefeldt, Gerrianne
5605 W. Gleason Rd.
Elfrida, AZ 85610

Braden, Leatha
(A/C) 459-7960
2200 Sonoita Street
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635

Burns, Mary Jo
P.O. Box 261
Tombstone, AZ 85638

Carini, Grace
5384 E. Ricks Road
Willcox,AZ 85643

Caygill, Cora
(C) 457-3812
P.O. Box 974
Tombstone, AZ 85638

*Chance, Glen
A/C 799 Halledk Canyon Rd.
Wheatland, WY 82201

Crandall, Nancy
(C) 457-3760(860)
389-3544 802 W. Allen #4
Tombstone, AZ 85638

Dalmer, Jim
(A) 803-1392
2537 Candlewood
Sierra Vista, AZ 85650

Davis, Jesse
(A) cell 559-7382
784 Sunset Vista Dr.
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635

(C) 457-3736
2237 E Rialto Pl.
Tombstone, AZ 85638

Goodman, Karen
(A/C) 457-3669
P.O. Box 573
Tombstone, AZ 85638

Hammit, Francie
(A) 432-5488
P.O. Box 276
Bisbee, AZ 85603

* Hilton, Beverlee
(A) 559-0753
39026 NE4th
Scio, OR 97374

Huthoefer, Jan
(A/C) 803-9657
3117 S. Nichols Drive
Sierra Vista, AZ 85650

Johnson, Jerre
P.O. Box 185
Tombstone, AZ 85638

Kepple, Bob
(A/C) 366-0490
8484 Coyote Song Lane
Hereford, AZ 85615

Latimore, Lee
(A/C) 457-9308
P.O. Box 1232
Tombstone, AZ 85638

Manney, Jean
(C) 642-1130
P.O. Box 132
Mc Neal, AZ 85617

McAloon, Pat
(A/C) 378-1352
5663 Nucci Lane
Hereford, AZ 85615

McCarthy, Judy
(C) 452-8001
4588 Calle Vista Dr.
Sierra,AZ 85635

McGowan, Ruth/Mac
(C) 417-9575
229 Taylors Trail
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635

Merrill, Barbara
302 E. Havasu Way
Cochise, AZ 85606

Moore, Jo
(C) 459-5678
165 Park Circle
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635

Mooty, Alice
(A/C) 457-3704
P.O.Box 418
Tombstone, AZ 85638

Netherton, Linda
(A) 366-0562
8999 So. Williams Rd.
Hereford, AZ 85615

Olivo, Sue
(A) 803-1035
2539 Panorama Court
Sierra Vista, AZ 85650

Pointer, Elizabeth
(A) 642-3864
6277 Yuma Drive
Pearce, AZ 85625

Proll, Lu
(C) 457-2473
P.O.Box 1593
Tombstone, AZ 85638

*Roark,Pat & Dick
(C) 607-739-5428
632AMainSt.P.O. Box 474
Breesport, NY 14816

Rosenkrans, Sylvia
3338 Trevino
Sierre Vista, AZ 85650

Rutherford, Angel
4920 Corte Vista
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635

*Schaffer, Jenny
(C) 502-239-5082
8004 Cedar Creek
Louisville, KY 40291

Spencer, Marian
P.O. Box 334
Tombstone, AZ 85638

Sprenkle, Martha
(A) 459-1638
2763 Oriole Dr.
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635

Stearns, Carol
(A/C) 378-1771
P.O.Box 1272
Sierra Vista, AZ 85636

Terry , Beverly
P.O. Box 2895
Sierra Vista,AZ 85636

Ullrich, Erna
(A/C) 803-7118
4959 Ironwood Circle
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635

West, Richard
(A) 366-5495
P.O. Box 43
Hereford, AZ 85615

2009 Timesheet

Carried Over from 2008


Acker, Dianne


Adamczyk, Ted


Anderson, Pat


Ballard, Jane


Bielefeldt, Gerri


Braden, Leatha


Burns, Mary Jo


Carini, Grace


Caygil, Cora


Chance, Glen


Crandall, Nancy


Dalmer, Jim


Davis, Jesse


Garrard, Bobby


Goodman, Karen


Hammit, Francie


Hilton, Beverlee


Huthoefer, Jan


Johnson, Jerre


Jorgensen, Caryl


Kepple, Bob


Latimore, Lee


Manney, Jean


McAloon, Pat


McCarthy, Judy


McGowan, Mac


McGowan, Ruth


Merrill, Barbara


Moore, Jo


Mooty, Alice


Netherton, Linda


Olivo, Sue


Pointer, Elizabeth


Proll, Lu


Roark, Pat






Schaffer, Jenny


Spencer, Marian


Sprenkle, Martha


Stearns, Carol


Terry, Beverly


Ullrich, Erna


West, Richard


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Art to Art Talk, May 2009


President, Carol Stearns
Vice President, Marian Spencer
Secretary, Jean Manney
Treasurer, Alice Mooty
Gallery Co-Directors, Pat Anderson and Sue Olivo
Craft Co-Directors, Gerrianne Bielefeldt and Lu Proll

Gallery Committee, Grace Carini, Lee Latimore, Bob Kepple
Craft Committee, To Be Announced

Newsletter Editor, Karen Goodman,
Publisist, Jan Huthoefer,
Webmaster, Jesse Davis,

Important Dates
Art In/Out, May 29, 9:30a - 11:30a
General Meeting/Board Meeting, Tuesday June 2, 9:00a
Art In/Out, June 30, 9:30a - 11:30a
General Meeting/Board Meeting, Tuesday July 7, 9:00a

Important Web Addresses
Newsletter address,
Web address,

The President’s Message
Carol Stearns

BEHIND THE SCENES: It takes a lot of people behind the scenes to run this Gallery. We are very fortunate to have an outstanding crew who are willing to devote their time in keeping this Gallery up and running. Our Vice President Marian Spencer devotes many an hour making sure that the calendar is covered with members every day. Days that she can’t get anyone to sit she takes over and gives up her time to keep the Gallery opened. She keeps track of all the days that everyone sits which is a job in itself. Then every month she makes all the copies for the newsletter, folds the copies, addresses the copies and then mails them to members. She is always available to handle any urgency that happens at the Gallery.

Our Treasurer Alice Mooty spent many hours at the Gallery during the Quilt Show making sure that the books all balanced, writing out checks and depositing money at the bank whenever needed. Then she had the Open Show to contend with. She had to make out checks to all the artists who won ribbons, who made sales, balance the books and make deposits. Every month she gives up her time just to make sure we have enough money in the cash drawer and that every penny is accounted for. She even does our Federal tax return for the Gallery and works many hours on that. She gives accurate reports to the Gallery each and every month.

Our Secretary Jean Manney takes down all the minutes for the General Meeting and the Board Meeting. It just doesn’t end there. She not only writes up the minutes in a spectacular and actuate manner but she also keeps the time sheet and telephone list of members updated each month. She updates the By Laws and the Standing Rules and makes sure each of us has a current copy. When she works at the Gallery she is helping the Craft Directors in cleaning the displays. She is always available to help anyone who should need help.

Our Editor Karen Goodman does a great job on the newsletter. She keeps all our members informed on what is happening in our association. She has now taken on the task of emailing the newsletter with attached documents to members with access to the internet. If you don’t have a computer please do yourself a great favor and visit a member who is receiving her blog for the newsletter. It is awesome and she works many hours typing, setting up and emailing. It is not an easy job.

Our Publicist Jan Huthoefer emails various newspapers to get our information out about what is happening at the Gallery. She works many hours setting up newspaper editorials for artists and crafters making sure she has all the correct information and pictures of Featured Artists’ paintings. She is constantly seeking resumes, pictures and photographs to put into the paper. She is our window to the public.

And then there are the Gallery Directors. They see to it that at the end of each month a new show is presented in the Gallery displaying and arranging all the artists’ paintings. The Craft Directors are constantly arranging the crafts making sure all the displays are neatly arranged and each table of display is cleaned ready for public viewing. These are just a few of the outstanding people we have working behind the scene to keep this Gallery open and running. There are many more volunteers who give up their time in sitting extra days, working on committees changing shows at the end of each month, helping by arranging the craft shop and organizing special shows for the Gallery like the Quilt Show and the Open Show. If you just sit one day a month the above people do more than that. Get involved with the Gallery. Come to our General Meeting, which is held the first Tuesday of every month. See if there is anything you can do even if it is to sit an extra half day. You won’t be sorry. You will feel rewarded knowing you are a part of a great team of volunteers behind the scenes working to keep this Gallery opened.

From the Vice President
Marian Spencer

Welcome to our bright new year at the Gallery! Lu Proll has not only rearranged the craft section of the Gallery, but has enlisted her husband Jim to adjust the coolers for a cool, comfortable summer. Our purple “Quick up Electric Broom”, victim of a saboteur, has been replaced by a new sweeper suitable for cleaning the dust blown in from the open door. Our membership have been pleased by the electronic newsletter sent by our super editor, and that saves postage now when the cost is about to increase. Please email Karen Goodman if you have an email address so you can receive our monthly newsletter that way.

I am having quilting workshops at the Gallery all day most Saturdays. We have a hard time keeping supplied with baby quilts. If you can join us, please let me know what you plan to create so we have the appropriate equipment (except that this will be by hand, of course.)

Lee Latimore presented us with two outstanding students for our Scholarship program. A motion was made and unanimously voted to award both students a $1,000 each. Lee will be going to the graduation at Tombstone High School on May 27th to present both students with these awards.

A motion was made and unanimously voted that there be two separate calendars for the month of February 2010. There will be one calendar for quilters to sign and one calendar for artists and crafters to sign freeing up the quilters to teach their quilting classes and encourage artists and crafters to be involved with the Quilt Show by helping man the front desk on days they sign up. Everyone will get credit.

A motion was made and unanimously voted that Marian Spencer be made an Honorary Member.

Due to lack of help for advertising of our events, we plan to appeal to the local Chamber of Commerce for help. A motion was made and unanimously voted that TAA join the Chamber of Commerce in Tombstone.

Now toward monsoon season: If it looks like rain, take the pictures out of the window, but leave the easels there. Move pictures only! Be ready to alert the city 457-3415 (number is also on members’ telephone list in Gallery) to bring broom and ladder to sweep the lake on the roof to the drain there.

We offer deepest sympathy to Judy McCarthy. Her husband passed away on April 16th after a difficult time for her to see that he received the proper care.

From the Gallery Directors
Pat Anderson & Sue Olivo

Our first month as Gallery Directors has gone very smoothly. We want to thank Francie Hamitt for helping us in Bob Kepple's absence.

We have made some changes in the arrangement of the paintings and photographs. If you haven't seen the Gallery yet, we have intermixed the large paintings with the small. This change was made in order to draw more people to the upper level of the Gallery. With some large paintings on the mini wall, we have already noticed more people going up there to have a look. Also, with the mix of large and small paintings, our customers seem to slow down and look more closely at our displays.

The mini-mini wall has remained the same. On the back wall above the unframed art, we would like to display unframed paintings on canvas. Each artist will be allowed to hang one painting on this wall. We are asking that you put the size of your painting on the label so the buyer will know if it is a standard size. You could add that information on the same line as the medium. For now, we would like you to stay within the size allocations that are already in place. Please wire for hanging. This will be on a trial basis starting in June.

There is no featured artist in June. You will be allowed five pieces of art in addition to the one unframed canvas. Any questions call or e-mail Pat Anderson (520) 459-0962 or or Sue Olivo at (520)-803-1035 or Please do not call Marion Spencer about hold-overs.

As a reminder, Marion Spencer is in charge of the schedule and she is the one to call about any changes. She has asked us to please not white out or cross-out any names on the schedule. That is her responsibility and she is the only one to do that.

We still have some pastels that were donated to us by the Betty Curtiss family. They will be in the kitchen on our in-and-out day May 29th. The prices are very reasonable, so don't forget to take a look.

Happy Painting & Photographing!

From the Craft Directors
Gerrieanne Bielefeldt and Lu Proll

The recent holidays have passed and any items relating to St. Patricks Day or Easter, should be removed. We will be needing our "Red, White, and Blue" items for Memorial Day, Flag Day and July 4.

The craft area is looking great. Tables and walls are filled with such a wide array of interesting and useful items and souvenirs. Our visitors spend quite some time browsing these displays.

When you docent or visit the gallery you will see some changes. The quilts have been moved to the upper level and are hanging nicely on quilt racks and banisters. If anyone has a quilt rack they would like to donate, it would be put to good use and very much appreciated. This move opens up the front window wall and now allows for many more craft items to be shown.

Encourage your fellow crafters who are not members to come in and “check us out”. If they would like to join, the sign up sheet for potential crafters is at the front desk.

AN EARLY REMINDER!! It's never too early to get started on projects to sell during our annual quilt show.

We will be looking for members to serve on our craft committee. We are looking forward to an exciting year and always welcome your questions, comments and ideas.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Art to Art Talk, April 2009

President, Carol Stearns
Vice President, Marian Spencer
Secretary, Jean Manney
Treasurer, Alice Mooty
Gallery Co-Directors, Pat Anderson and Sue Olivo
Craft Co-Directors, Gerrianne Bielefeldt and Lu Proll

Gallery Committee, Grace Carini, Lee Latimore, Bob Kepple
Craft Committee, To Be Announced

Newsletter Editor, Karen Goodman,
Publisist, Jan Huthoefer,
Webmaster, Jesse Davis,

Important Dates
Art In/Out, April 30, 9:30a - 11:30a
General Meeting/Board Meeting, Tuesday May 5, 9:00a
Art In/Out, May 29, 9:30a - 11:30a
General Meeting/Board Meeting, Tuesday June 2, 9:00a

Important Web Addresses
Newsletter address,
Web address,

Exciting News From The Editor
Karen Goodman

A lot of effort goes into the distribution of a newsletter. Aside from writing, formatting and editing, there’s printing, folding, addressing and mailing, the latter consuming dollars in addition to time. It’s time to go online. It’s time to go green. Most of our members have computers but for those who don’t, we will continue to provide paper copy of the news. For those of you with computers and email addresses, the newsletter will be online. We will notify you when a new edition is available via an email reminder (with the address where it can be found.) Point and click on that address and you’re there. The email will contain attachments, one will be the address and phone listing, the other the time sheet. Print these out or save them on your computer when you receive them. We will only replace them when there are changes.

What do we need from you? We need your email address. Be assured I will not give it out for any other purpose. Any email notification will be sent as a blind copy so even your peers at the Gallery will not see it. Send me your address in an email to or leave it on the sign up sheet I have left at the Gallery. I need these addresses as soon as possible.

If you don’t have a computer, let us know that too. Leave a note at the Gallery on the email list stating you need hard copy of the newsletter.

The newsletter address is

From The President
Carol Stearns

First, I want to thank everyone for having the confidence in me to be President of TAA. I promise to be available, active and fair in everything pertaining to Gallery affairs. Please always feel free to call me whenever you feel the need. We have an outstanding Board consisting of Vice President: Marian Spencer, Treasurer: Alice Mooty, Secretary: Jean Manney, Gallery Directors: Pat Anderson, Sue Olivo and Craft Directors: Lu Proll and Gerrianne Bielefeldt who all will work very hard for the Gallery and it’s function. We hope in the future many of you will participate by attending our General Meetings. It is the best way we can all keep in touch and connected.

Our thanks go out to all who worked so hard for the Open Judged Show. It was a great success and the reception had wall-to-wall people. The food everyone brought was well appreciated and everyone had a good time. We welcome three new members who participated in this Open Show Francie Hammit, Dianne Acker and Martha Sprenkle. We look forward to seeing their work.

The Gallery had a very busy weekend of April 4th. We had a wonderful book signing at the Gallery for Marjorie Reed. The title “All Aboard” had its author Gary Fillmore autographing his book for many visitors. He sold 15 of his books. Marjorie Reed was a long-time resident of Tombstone and did beautiful paintings. We split some of the proceeds that he donated with the “Friends of the Library”. Many thanks go out to A.J. Stewart “Friends of the Library” who was in charge and organized this function. The Founders Day Parade, which also took place on April 4th, had none other than our very own Alice Mooty, Jerre Johnson and Kim Johnson as judges for all the floats in the parade. They had their very own platform with guests and were treated to lunch. WOW! What a weekend we had.

At the General Meeting April 8th Jan Huthoefer installed all the new officers using rainbow colors for each officer and presenting them with a white rose with a colored ribbon. It was a beautiful ceremony and we thank her for participating. We have had some more water damage this past month in the Craft room, but we are on top of the situation. Lu Proll did an outstanding job in running right over and cleaned up all the water. Jean Manney helped with trying to dry up the carpet and taking home the white tablecloths to clean. Lu and Gerrianne Bielefeldt are doing their best to rotate items so they won’t get wet. Marian called the City who had a work order and sent us a maintenance man. They came the next day and did some work on the roof. Pat Roark will be sitting on the 9th of this month and will again talk to the City about our problem. We now just have to wait for it to rain again and hope we won’t have to call them again.

A motion was made and approved by the Board to install new locks for the front and back doors of the Gallery. It has been five years or more since the locks have been changed. Too many keys are presently unaccounted for and too many people have a key that was given to them or that they made duplicates. In the future duplicates cannot be made. If you have a key and it doesn’t fit the lock, please throw it away. It will be useless. The people who need a new key will be given one.

We want to express our sympathy to Bobby Garrard and Cora Caygill on the loss of Bobby’s husband Gary. They had a beautiful tribute to Gary at the American Legion last month. Our prayers and thoughts are with them and their family.

From The Vice President
Marian Spencer

On April 8th the TAA officers were installed for the two years ahead including President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Gallery Directors and Craft Directors. Our Publicist Jan Huthoefer and our Editor Karen Goodman will continue to do an outstanding job for us.

We congratulate them all and now prepare for an even better era. The new officers have already proposed plans to display our works in better ways, and plan to co-ordinate their efforts for a more attractive center.

THE RAIN THE LEAKS! The roof is fine. We paid for it. The corner of the craft room will still give us major problems. If you are sitting or visiting and it is raining/has rained, call the City (the number is on the top of the membership list of telephone numbers). One must explain to them that the water trapped in the division between the parts of the building needs to be swept out because the drain spout is located above the pool it is intended to drain.

THE CALENDAR! The purpose of the calendar is to assure us that we will have someone to sit. Our loyal members have done a good job of signing ahead, and have informed me of the times when they are not sure whether they will be capable of sitting. If you see a name with a line through it, the signer may not know if he can carry out his obligation. Someone may be needed to sit with/for him. If you must drive from a distance and sign for all day, you should not be questioned not at the price of fuel. If you need someone to sit with you and an all-day signature is already there, let me know and all three may have credit. If you sign up for a day that we have our meetings on, we still need you. When an officer needs to run to the front of the Gallery during the meeting it disrupts the meeting.

Mary Jo Burns and her husband Jim have consented to be our contact people for the City in case of any emergency in the Gallery. They live in Tombstone and we appreciate them taking on this responsibility. Our many thanks go out to them both.

My thanks to all of you for the wonderful celebration of my 90th Birthday.

New members are: Martha Sprenkle, Dianne Acker, and Francie Hammit.

From The Gallery Directors
Pat Anderson and Sue Olivo

Pat and I are excited about being your new Gallery Directors. Carol and Sylvia have done an outstanding job of running the Gallery for the past four years. They have made the transition for us as effortless as possible.

We want to thank Lee Latimore, Bob Kepple and Grace Carini for continuing to work on our Gallery committee. We have noticed that they are always ready on In/Out day to do what needs to be done and always in good humor. (Grace is questionable? by her own admission.) We also appreciate those who have offered to help when we need extra help.

Some art supplies have been donated to us by the family of Betty Curtis. We will have those items priced and available April 30th. It will be on a first come basis. Whatever doesn't sell that day will go home with one of the Directors who will return them the next month for further sales. We will continue this until all items are sold.

There will be no featured artist in May. All artists will be able to bring five (5) paintings each and as usual, if you want to hold your paintings over, please call one of the Gallery Directors at least 24 hours in advance. This makes it easier for us and gives you a chance to sign up for docenting on the days you want. The In/Out date is April 30th between 9:30 – 11:30 am.

We are looking forward to a great year! Happy painting & Happy picture taking!

From the Craft Director
Lu Proll and Gerrianne Bielefeldt

Thanks for the opportunity to serve as your Craft Directors. Gerrianne Bielefeldt and I will do the best that we can to see that all transitions run smoothly.

Anyone wishing to join the craft committee may contact Gerrianne or Lu.

A Special thanks goes to Cora Caygill and Pat Roark for a terrific job of decorating our window. The displays have been very appealing and inviting to all who pass by.

We welcome all comments, questions, concerns, and especially ideas about our craft area. Let's all work together to make and keep our craft room attractive and profitable.

Editor’s Note
Karen Goodman
Please submit articles via email when possible, and in the Arial 10 format, to Articles are due after the Gallery meeting.